Hello Josh, my name is Jeff. I saw your story on television today and it hit me like like a ton of bricks. I'm a hispanic male, 40 years old, with 5 beautiful kids who I constantly have hurt over the years because of my human weaknesses. I have HIV, have had drug addiction issues, been through 2 divorces, and just recently relapsed using methamphetamine. Watching your incredible story unfold on TV has made me look at myself and think what a miserable human being I must be to take for granted such incredible gifts that I have in my life, namely my children. I would like to interact with you via e-mail or even over the phone. I believe that you are truly an inspirational human being. I believe you can help a person like myself to change and get a better hold of my life. If you could take the time to e-mail me back I would love talk to you. Thanks
(Oct. 8th, 2010)
I would be honored to help you. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ could help you above and beyond anything I could do though. So, first question. Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Have you turned to Him and asked (and thus let Him) forgive your sin? Surrender to Him. He wants to forgive you. He wants to restore you and make you everything you were intended to be. Fell free to write me anything. I'll listen and be the best ear I can be.
(Oct.11th, 2010)
I just accepted Him into my life yesterday at church. I've been battling addiction for many years and now that He's a part of my life I think I just may be able to finally beat it! I believe our paths are somewhat similar in that you spent a good portion of your life in prison and I've spent a good portion of my life in a self imposed prison. I hope some day to be able to meet you Josh! I'm not exactly sure where you live, but if you're ever in the Denver area, I'm sure my wife and I would love to have you over for dinner or even just a visit!
(Oct.11th, 2010)
Grace and peace.
Here's a book I want you to read through. And here's a couple preachers you should follow for the time being.
The book... Experiencing The Cross by Blackaby http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?WRD=Experiencing+The+Cross+by+Blackaby
The preachers... Max Lucado http://joshuakezer.blogspot.com/2010/10/open-your-door-open-your-heart-to.html There's a book mentioned on this link called "Out Live Your Life". Check it out. The other preacher... Jack Hayford http://joshuakezer.blogspot.com/2010/10/living-way-with-pastor-jack-hayford.html . I've admired these two men of God for a while.
You're on your way to living a great and accomplished life. There will be times when you fall. Get back up. Then you'll fall again. Get back up again. And again, and again, and again...... Just keep getting back up and at some point you'll stop falling so often. Every seasoned Christian has learned this. I've learned it the hard way. It's not easy, but it builds character and strength.
And never forget. The power of your salvation is in what our Lord Jesus has done and can do for you. The power is not in what you can do for you. Our Lord Jesus does empower you to do for you, but the power is His. So, just enjoy the ride and have fun in your salvation and trust that He will carry you through and finish the work He's started in you. He will finish it....and see you through to His kingdom in Heaven.
Blessings in Christ, your brother in broken bonds,
One more link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evnfw4JIxTw&feature=player_embedded
Praise God!