Sunday, October 16, 2011

General Message: Suggestions and Assistance Requested, Updates Coming Soon.

I'm working on some things and have something special in the works. Please be patient with me and continue to follow my blog and recommend it to others, both domestic and abroad.

I'm interested in enhancing the blogging experience. I'd love to hear from more of you more often. I'm interested in your thoughts, life stories, prayer requests. Can any of you tell me how to include a live chat box and message board on my blog?

If you know of any other ways I could enhance my blog, please share. I'm open to and welcome other suggestions. Thanks.

Grace and peace, blessings and honor in Christ.

Josh Kezer


  1. hi Mr. Kezer, i'm sorry i don't think i know how to embed a live chat box or anything like that, but there's something on my mind i want to let you know, my name is Vera, i'm from Taiwan, i have to be honest with you that i've never heard of you before, not until i saw a tv program about you on discovery channel where i couldn't believe my eyes, so i googled and youtubed you right off the bat (pardon my curiosity) and finally understand what happened, i must say you are a great person, no one in the world could have got through things like that like you did, i really admire your courage and your faith, now whenever i encounter difficulties i always think of you to make myself stronger, you're like a teacher and a role model to me, thank you. wish you all the best!

  2. I am going to give Candice this info she is the computer guru and I am sure she or Rob(aka Bubba) can help with the live chat info. Bobbie Jo

  3. Would like to message you privately if there's a way and share more. And I don't know how to imbed chat but I'm sure we could figure it out.

  4. Hi Josh...

    I'd just like to tell you that I am so inspired by your work, your life and your beliefs. Anyway we can chat privately sometime? I'd like that alot!

    God Bless~
    Karen Marie Murphy @ Facebook

  5. Are you still in need of help in adding live chat (chatterbox) to your blog? If so, I would be more than willing to help you. Feel free to either reply back or e-mail me @

  6. ps. it is 2:52a February 18, 2012 - marks three years since you were released. I am truly touched by your story & am completely amazed with the patience you had through it all. God bless you.

    - Ashley Clark
